Sunspun is proud to have created an ongoing fundraising initiative called “Knit Blue for Beyond Blue”.
For every blue colour yarn sold, Sunspun will donate 50% of the net profit to Beyond Blue, setting a goal to raise $15,000 for Beyond Blue in support of the great work they do to change the way people in our community think about and take action on mental health. Click Here to see our progress, we have raised $15,212.93 to date.
At Sunspun, we want to play a part in raising awareness of mental health and highlight the importance of seeking help early from family, friends and support organisations like Beyond Blue.
Encourage social connection within the knitting community
Many knitters have experienced that when they knit, they feel productive and relaxed. Knitters tell us that it can help ease feelings of anxiety as they get a great sense of satisfaction from making a garment from scratch.
Knitting also promotes social connection, through people joining a local knitting group or an online community. There is always a conversation around the projects people are working on but also sharing stories about what’s happening in their lives.
We invite all Sunspun customers to join us on this journey to promote better mental health and knit something with blue!
The Beyond Blue Support Service
One in six Australians is currently experiencing depression or anxiety or both. Three million Australians are living with anxiety or depression. The Beyond Blue Support Service supports people experiencing anxiety, depression, and those at an increased risk of suicide with counselling, information, advice and referrals.
Last year, Beyond Blue supported over 250,000 people via phone, web chat and email. This service is free and available 24/7.
Phone: 1300 22 4636
Email or online chat: